You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers
What insurances do you accept?
We are IN NETWORK with Anthem Blue Cross. Click here to verify your insurance.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the use of filiform needles to stimulate therapeutic points on the body.
How does acupuncture work?
Many ways! In some cases the needles elicit local immune response and also release neurotransmitters like endorphins. Recently, it was discovered that the acupuncture points send messages across the fascia, the connective tissue that organizes the body, thus producing local and distal therapeutic effect.
What is Cupping, and how can it benefit me?
Cupping is the use of vacuum to separate the soft tissue layers of the skin and fascia beneath. The practitioner will use heat or another mechanism to remove the air inside a cup to produce suction. This suction increases general circulation bringing not only red blood cells but other healing agents to the area.
What are herbs?
Herbal therapy is the use of various plant parts and other minerals for healing. An important part of traditional medicine, herbs have been used for millennia and are considered fundamental for both acute and chronic conditions.
How do herbs work and what are they used for?
Herbs works to restore the innate abilities of the body by balancing acute conditions like fever or chronic conditions like irregular menstruation. Herbs are full of chemical compounds that can be utilized by your body. Often as effective as medication, herbs tend to be less aggressive and less taxing on the system.
Herbs have been extensively studied and are used to :
Improve digestion
Improve sleep
Improve energy
Improve menstrual irregularities
Decrease cold/flu symptoms
Decrease pain
May I use herbs if I am taking other medication?
Yes! However in a few cases there can be an interaction. Before you start any herbal regimen please consult with your doctor.